I got my IUD removed. 🍑⚡️ It was a quick process and done before I knew it. Since it had been a year since my last period I figured that my ovulating days are probably over.
Doc said I have a nice pink cervix, healthy inner muscles, from getting regularly fucked and cum into. I still have strong orgasms that suck up every last drop of semen I get.
Which apparently is the best way to get natural hormone therapy. Let’s break it down:
- Average volume of semen per ejaculation: 1.5 to 5 mL
- Average amount of estrogen per 5 mL ejaculation: 2-3 mg
- Average amount of progesterone per 5 mL ejaculation: 50-70 mg

Compared to Hormone Replacement Therapy meds, that’s a lot more bang for my buck and a hell of a lot more fun.
So let’s keep getting it, my Golden Girls! Let your body bloom well into those senior years. Keep nurturing your sexual relationships. Stay healthy and stay sexy.
Cheers! 🍷

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