Author: May Ling Su

  • My Friend For Life, Gina

    My Friend For Life, Gina

    I went to an all-girls nun-run Catholic high school in the Philippines, very strict and narrow-minded. I was a good student but something as trivial as my asymmetric hairstyle got their nunnery panties in a bunch. What made high school life worth living was Gina. She and I connected on an artistic and literary level.…

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  • Caption This Contest for Halloween

    Caption This Contest for Halloween

    Hi, everyone! What better time to play Caption This than on Halloween? Got any sexy nun puns? You better say your prayers and comment the best caption for this photo by the end of Sunday, November 4. Adults only please. I will pick the winner who will get a week-long MAYCAM pass. Can I get…

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  • Witch


    I awoke to darkness. It took me a while to realize that I was indeed awake, that this darkness was not a dream, that I was bound and blindfolded in a bed. The smell of burnt wood brought me back to the moment before I fell asleep. Or did I die? I was engulfed in…

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  • Protected: Enjoy your Wednesday 💋

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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  • Yay, October!

    Yay, October!

    My favorite month of the year! Except it always feels like it goes too fast. Like today. I wasted the entire day doing boring business in the morning, because it’s a Monday and the first of the month and the furnace was acting up and furnace-things need to be dealt with before winter comes so…

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  • Forgive my bedhead.

    Forgive my bedhead.

    I’ve been fostering a pregnant cat that some heartless people abandoned at the shelter. She’s a scared little thing, so confused about what’s happening to her body and untrusting of any human. I don’t blame her. You fuck real good once and you’re in trouble forever.

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  • Yasss, twitter.

    Yasss, twitter.

    I wondered what it would be like to suck his cock. Was it pink like his cheeks? Was he waiting for me to make a bolder move? Or would I scare him the way a bold move may scare a wild animal?

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  • I remember NYC on 9/11

    I remember NYC on 9/11

    This photo was taken at Ground Zero of what remains of the World Trade Center. On September 14, three days after the planes crashed and burned the Twin Towers, it rained. By nightfall the rain ceased and dust settled in the city. It was time to go to the funeral. I headed for East Village. St.…

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  • Forgive me for staying away so often so long.

    Forgive me for staying away so often so long.

    To wander in the fields of flowers, pull the thorns from your own heart. – Rumi I have demons in my closet and they speak to me. They speak truths so true they wedge thorns so deep in my heart I reach longingly for rope. I huddle under hanging clothes and bury my head between…

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