Mail time!
I’m posting this email because it is the most articulate of many along the same vein of the classic one-liner “Hey.” This one really nails the motivation behind unsolicited dick pics:
Hello May Ling,
I hope you are well. I know it sounds a unrealistic to imagine that I would actually receive a reply from you but at least there is spark of hope if I write you again. I wrote you a couple of weeks ago and you were kind enough to send me links to your website and some adult content, but I am really just interested in you as a person. I am not suggesting that we meet in person or exchange photos or any type of webcam interaction but just an exchange of ideas and a little more insight into your fascinating mind.
The truth is you don’t really want an insight into my mind. If you did, you would be a MAYCAM member. You would have bought and read my books. You would be subscribed to my blog and following me on social media.
What you want is my attention. My time devoted to only you. A virtual mind space where we can be alone together.
I get it. You don’t want to be just another “like” in the social media crowd, just another subscriber, just another passive reader. You want me to respond to you. You want to be visible. You want me to validate your existence as a unique and special individual.
So you send me email and private messages.
You don’t realize that you are being selfish. You want me to spend time on you, but you’re not willing to pay.
It took me years to figure it out. I was treating myself like just another internet marketer peddling adult content in a saturated market and competing against younger, more beautiful, smarter women for your attention. I was paying it forward, giving away porn and passwords. I wore myself out trying to answer “Thanks for accepting my friend request. What do you like about me?” until it hit me:
Hey, Ding Dong. I don’t want anything you have to sell. I just want your soul!
Holy shit!
My time and attention is a limited supply. The demand for it easily exceeds what I have to go around. By the laws of supply and demand alone, my time and attention is worth more than yours. I can’t just give it away to anyone who sends me an email or private message. Special mention to the dude who sent me a long rambling talking head video then called me rude when my response was short.
If you want my attention, earn it.
Become a MAYCAM Member. It’s my personal diary, in which I share the ups and downs of every cock and pussy I’ve had the pleasure to meet, my innermost thoughts, my naughtiest secrets. MAYCAM Members get my attention because they take care of me, support me, invest in me. All the cherry blossoms go to my MAYCAM Members.
And then some more cherry blossoms for you if you…
Buy my books. Review them on Amazon or GoodReads or your own social media channel. You have no idea how much that means to me.
Buy something from my Wishlist or send me an Amazon gift card. I may surprise you back.
Sign up for my May Ling List. Comment on my blog entries on the blog. Follow me on social media. Like, share, retweet, and comment on my posts. Public displays of your affection for me contribute to the furtherance of my brand. I see you. I appreciate it.

Until then, my time and attention belong to the people who recognize its value enough to bring me value in return. Many have been doing it for years. Get in line.
Love, Lust, and Liberty,

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