From the Diary of May Ling Su

May Ling Su in orange stripe thigh-high stockings

Yay, October!

My favorite month of the year! Except it always feels like it goes too fast. Like today. I wasted the entire day doing boring business in the morning, because it’s a Monday and

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May Ling Su in sheer white tank top you can see her nipples through and no panties

Forgive my bedhead.

I’ve been fostering a pregnant cat that some heartless people abandoned at the shelter. She’s a scared little thing, so confused about what’s happening to her body and untrusting of any human. I don’t blame her. You fuck real good once and you’re in trouble forever.

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May Ling Su

Yasss, twitter.

I wondered what it would be like to suck his cock. Was it pink like his cheeks? Was he waiting for me to make a bolder move? Or would I scare him the way a bold move may scare a wild animal?

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May Ling Su at Ground Zero of the World Trade Center on 9/11

I remember NYC on 9/11

This photo was taken at Ground Zero of what remains of the World Trade Center. On September 14, three days after the planes crashed and burned the Twin Towers, it rained. By nightfall the

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Naomi Gothic Lolita on the swing

Gothic Lolita

A cruel late autumn wind hit the man on his cheek like a slap on the face. The day had been warm and sunny when he and his wife began the hike up

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