From the Diary of May Ling Su

Tag: muse

May Ling Su birthday nude 2023

It’s my birthday.

Outside the rain beat a percussive song upon the roof, windows, and gutters of our farmhouse. It filled my head with melodies and I hummed along. I am in love with life and nature. How can I fall deeper in love with life?

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May Ling Su birthday nude

Rainy Birthday Nudes

I had a rainy birthday, so Jay suggested that we recreate our very first photo shoot, Rainy Day Girl. He let me borrow his 100+ year old coat tails, handed me a frog umbrella, and followed me around our backyard with a camera.

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May Ling Su in the thicket

Strange Things

Shortly after Lilith: Queen of the Demons was published Jay and I became friends with a young woman named Lillian. She had straight black hair down to her waist, an hourglass figure, and

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