I’ve had a relaxing summer, spending time outdoors and swimming in a nearby lake in between finally finishing writing Lilith: Beyond the Deluge.
It’s been several years in the making and I’ve had the most difficult time writing it. It is inspired by ancient Mesopotamian lore, like the first two books in the Lilith series. I drew inspiration from the flood accounts in the book of Genesis, the epic of Gilgamesh, and the Puranas, as well as the book of Inanna. Then I took (a lot) more creative license to fill in what seems like a simple children’s bedtime story.
It is a supernatural and occult fantasy, a genre I love to read. I took the pressure off myself to make erotica. I let the characters speak through me and only wrote sex scenes when the story called for it. The result was incredibly organic, connected, and hot sex scenes, as you can expect from a slut like me who writes from experience. I poured a lot of my life, not just sex, into the stories that make up Lilith: Beyond the Deluge. It is the most personal volume in the Lilith series. I can’t wait to share it with you.
Today I begin recording and producing the audiobook. Stayed tuned for a Scorpio season release.
Love, Lust, and Liberty,

P.S. A little social round up:
Earlier in the summer I did a little survey on gas prices around the world and learned that Singapore pays for it the most!
When navigating good vs. evil, bring a popsicle to keep you hydrated.
Can you tell that I love hammocks? Here is another one.
Also ICYMI I went on an early morning ride in a hot air balloon. It was exhilarating! An unforgettable experience that made me fantasize about a hot air balloon gang bang 1500 feet above the ground.
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